Monday, May 30, 2011

Lotus Domino Replication

The replica stub does contain the ACL.The documents will appear during the next scheduled replication.
When you create the replica of the database you choose not to copy the ACL you will get Manager access even if the database’s access control list has been enforced across all replicas
At the Notes client , the Replicator is the part of Notes Workstation software that does the work of replication. The Replicator on the workstation is always available.

      Replicate  <name of the target server>  <database name>

The unique id UNID is a 16-byte identifier for a document.

What Are the Components of a Note ID?

Deletion Stubs are placeholders in a db for documents that have been deleted. They let other replicas know which documents to delete. They prevent the deleted document from being restored through replication from other replicas.
Notes does not simply remove a document; it creates a deletion stub that has the same unique ID as the document.

Remove documents not modified in the last 90 days --> means deletion stubs that are 90 days or older are removed every 30 days.
One way to get rid of a deletion stub is to set this number to zero.

Security restrictions:  If a server trying to replicate the db is not listed in the Read Access List of a document. It cannot read the document and therefore cannot replicate it.
Reader Access Lists  --> look for a field called $Readers
Reader Fields --> look for field “SUMMARY READ ACCESS NAMES”

Replication conflicts
A replication conflict occurs when two or more users edit the same document and save the changes in different replicas between replications. These rules determine how Domino saves the edit sessions:
  • The document edited and saved the most times becomes the main document; other documents become Replication or Save Conflict documents.
  • If all of the documents are edited and saved the same number of times, the document saved most recently becomes the main document, and the others become Replication or Save Conflict documents
  • If a document is edited in one replica but it is deleted in another replica, the deletion takes precedence, unless the edited document is edited more than once or the editing occurs after the deletion.

Some Documents Not Replicating During Server-to-Server Replication.

Troubleshooting issues with Notes database replication

Understanding and implementing local mail replicas for IBM Lotus Notes

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