Monday, May 30, 2011

Lotus Domino Performance and Crashes/Hangs

Server_Session_Timeout is a parameter used to make sure that Lotus Notes users don't take up valuable Domino CPU and memory resources when they are idle.
for example set   Server_Session_Timeout =30,  meaning that after 30 minutes of inactivity, a Lotus Notes user connection is dropped and the resources are freed up for other more active and deserving users.

IBM Lotus recommends that this parameter should be set no shorter than 30 minutes. Otherwise, the server might spend more resources reconnecting people than it should

Description of "Server_MaxSessions=" and "Server_Session_Timeout=" Parameters

DeveloperWorks Lotus Performance homepage

Lotus Notes Diagnostic tool to analyse NSD and semdebug

Domino Server Performance Troubleshooting Cookbook

The Blue screen of Death (Windows NT crash) and the Windows NT Architecture

Troubleshooting Notes/Domino Server Performances

Notes/Domino Best Practices: Performance

Using the Domino server INI parameter Server_Max_Concurrent_Trans

Log off idle Lotus Notes users for better Domino Server performance

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