Saturday, February 28, 2009

Installing Hotfixes on Lotus Domino Server in Unix environment

Use secureCRT/ telnet to login to unix Host
Switch to the id by sudo su - <name> that is the credential which is required to start / stop the lotus domino server

Check Disk Space before proceeding with installation
cd /home/<server name>/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/    (the path where domino binaries reside)
du -k
df -k

If space is enough then shutdown the Lotus Domino server.

The installation requires sudo root privilege, so use the command su - root  to execute the install script or Sudo su –

To set the environment variables type at Unix prompt
export NUI_NOTESDIR=/home/<server name>/lotus     

First unInstall the existing HotFix if present
cd  /<software of existing hotfix>

Install the required Domino Hotfix 
cd  /<software of new required hotfix>

Please be sure to login as the appropriate Unix user before running Domino 
Do not run the Lotus Domino server as root.

1 comment:

Manjot kaur said...

Some time I wonder whether I will get the information I am looking for. But you have given complete information which I required.

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