Monday, May 30, 2011

Administration Process in Lotus Domino

It is possible to extend the functionality of the Administration process by using the Extension Manager
Each db that should be updated by the administration process requires an administration server.
To use the administration process to perform name changes and recertifications, you must set up the certification log (CERTLOG.NSF) on registration server.

- some requests that require approval or additional action by the administrator
  • Delete mail file
  • Move users within a hierarchy
  • Delete private design elements

By default the Administration Process uses three threads to process requests.

Tell adminp show databases --> displays db that a particular administration server updates and more.

Cross-Domain Administration process requests
You can use Administration process to initiate an administration request on one domain, and then send that request to another specific domain for processing.
For this you must create Cross-Domain configuration documents in the Administration requests db.

Setting up the Administration Process in your Domain – by Barbara Burch

Administration process gotchas and hints, part 3 -- Kendra Bowker

Merging Domino domains into one

Frequently Asked Questions - The Administration Process (AdminP)